If you’re involved in the compliance effort at your financial institution, you know that these are challenging times just to keep up with what is going on, let alone trying to prepare your institution to respond accordingly.
To help make keeping up with hot and emerging topics, AdvisX is part of a daily effort to scour the internet and post the hottest topics we find each day from our beats onto our tracking board’s hot list. We then track what others have posted from their beats as well. In addition to studying the regulations themselves, the daily scouring of the internet is an important part of our effort to keep up with trending regulatory matters.
If the time you have available to keeping track of new issues in compliance is limited, we invite you bookmark our tracking board page. As long as we’re going to spend time scouring dozens of sites each day looking for the hottest compliance news and risk issues, why not take advantage of that, save some time, and keep up on what’s hot?
We divide our home page into three different tracking boards: 1) Credit Unions, 2) Banks, and 3) Agencies. We post the hottest 6-12 links daily and a short (like one or two sentences short, usually) summary of why the links matter. Enter your email in the column on the right to get a daily digest and a weekly “top 5” list of the hottest stories of the past week.
Be sure to bookmark this page: RiskInbox.com.
New Issues Monitoringadministrator2013-08-15T22:07:49+00:00